We treat this muscle for period pain
PSOAS muscle & period pain 🩸
This muscle is one of the deepest muscles of our body. It promotes m
ovement, it’s most important function is keeping us stable.
Chronic stress can cause the psoas to contract and remain tight giving the feeling of tight hips and the need to always want to stretch the hips out. Anatomically linked to your breath, it connects to the diaphragm through connective tissue and diaphragmatic ligaments. Stress not only signals the psoas to contract which creates tension in the diaphragm, it also signals shallow, pant-like breathing
Period pain link - The nerves of the reproductive organs embed throughout iliopsoas, and a tight psoas may reduce adequate blood flow to the uterus creating painful menstrual especially one associated with back pain and or leg referral
Other aggravators of this muscle
👠 Wearing heels often
👩🏽💻Prolonged sitting ie work
🏋🏽♂️Poor pelvic - hip mechanics
How we treat it 📌
In the clinic we run the client though a variety of test to check for hip instability and strength as well as teach some self release techniques and exercises to help the tightness. We can treat the muscle with our gentle japanese style or we can use our electro acupuncture depending on the individual presentation.
🧠We also look at how the nervous system and chronic stress is driving issues of the pelvic area and delve deep into creating a custom herbal formula and using Acupuncture to help relax the nervous system and psoas. If you need help with period pain we can't wait for you to visit our burleigh heads clinic